Sunday, June 25, 2006

In to Heidelberg

After the Zugspitze yesterday, it was back on the road, heading north past the Black Forest and Karlsruhe to Heidelberg. We were hungry and tired by the time we got in to town and checked in to the hotel up near the castle. Back down down below, the polizei had blocked the roads in to the old town, and it was it was impossible to get in for dinner. Germany had just defeated Sweden, and the town was crazy, cars racing up and down with horns blowing and flags waving out the windows. Germany is feeling very good about itself right now, which the papers say is rather unusual. The clelbration went on through the evening down in town, as we headed back up to the hotel for the 9:00 game between Argentina and Mexico and a little rest. With overtime in that game, rest didn't come early!

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