Sunday, June 25, 2006
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, and fairytales

We spent the night after the USA-GHA game in the pretty little town of Bielingreis, about an hour south of Nurnberg. (We missed the ancestral home in Furth, just too late to drag the boys around!) It was a long drive down to Garmisch-Partenkirchen,
on the border with Austria in the German Alpine region, and the weather was rather overcast for the planned trip up the Zugspitze. So, we were off to Neuschwanstein instead! This is the most famous (in America) of mad King Ludwigs castles, nestled up into the Bavarian Alps. We had a beatiful ride down across the Austrian border, then back up to the little town of Schwangau. From there, it was a nice hike up to the castle itself, and then another hike to the Marienbridge above, but the view was truly amazing. We toured through the castle, and held of on pictures of the interior at their request, instead supporting the local economy in the book store.