Well, the seats were great!

It was a different crowd than at the Italy game, a little less sure of itself, and nowhere near as rowdy. We had a great view of the action down in the corner in front of the US fans, and a nice view of the Ghana fans in the far corner, of which there were a lot of recent recruits! (The US showing in Kaiserslautern probably had something to do with that!) Their biggest banner read, "In God we trust." It was pretty easy to believe it, too. The Ghanese team was coordinated and tough, and did a nice job of wearing our guys out. It was a dumb thing to foul in the box, and we paid for it. End of US story for this year.
The celebration in downtown Nurnberg was pretty neat though, as the Ghanese (and the Italians, too) had a great evening. That
was nice to watch, as they paraded through the street, and drove around with the horns honking. We were just tired, though.
# posted by Rob : Sunday, June 25, 2006